The weather is changing and the holiday season will soon be upon us. We are changing from tank tops and t-shirts to long sleeves and flannel. Soon shorts and windbreakers will give way to jeans and hoodies. We change from iced tea to hot coffee or hot chocolate. Tastes change to hot spiced cider and pumpkin spice lattes. This is the time where folks drop the things of the past year and prepare to enter into the activity of the new year. It is a time of change.
How you enter into change tells the whole world about you. Is your outlook humorous or optimistic? Are you excited about a special holiday, event, or seasonal speciality? Are you in a subdued mood or are you looking for something bright and shiny to bring out your personality? Being able to fit your mood and design something that has meaning to you requires thought, flexibility, and consideration. These are things that are lacking on the “buy my design” websites. But to have you in mind for your final purchase is what Blackbird Studio does best. As a recent customer said, “To take something from a T-shirt to something that is a ME shirt.”
Feel free to look at the sample designs below. They are just that samples. If you see something that strikes a chord with you and it isn’t quite what you want, go to our Ordering Designs page and make a suggestion. Changes can always be made to make my designs fit your desires. Let’s get together and build you a memory.
Entering into the Fall Season Read More »