I have spring memories of growing up near tulip farms in Washington State. The fields turned from a dull green to rippling fields of color. The hues and variations were as if a painter had set the fields, not some living plant.
I have simplified this design to bring you spring memories of your own. It is a visual key to the beauty that spring brings to mind of growing flowers, of the return of the birds, of days of rain that give way to the warmth of the sun that this will invoke.
But this is not the only memory of spring you can bring to life. Look to your own life then visit our Ordering Designs page and contact us so we can bring your memories to life.
Who wouldn’t rather be blessed than lucky? Luck can change from good to bad to good in a moment. Living blessed lasts all year round.
Each year around this time the funny shirts come out claiming to be Irish or to have the luck of the Irish. They are celebrating one day where we eat foods attributed to the Irish which are not and drinking copious amounts of green beer. The following morning they wake to big heads and their luck has seemed to have run out.
Blessings on the other hand don’t disappear. So may you be blessed with good health, a good family, and a good year. May you be blessed with finding the Ordering Design page so that you may show your blessings.
The weather is changing and the holiday season will soon be upon us. We are changing from tank tops and t-shirts to long sleeves and flannel. Soon shorts and windbreakers will give way to jeans and hoodies. We change from iced tea to hot coffee or hot chocolate. Tastes change to hot spiced cider and pumpkin spice lattes. This is the time where folks drop the things of the past year and prepare to enter into the activity of the new year. It is a time of change.
How you enter into change tells the whole world about you. Is your outlook humorous or optimistic? Are you excited about a special holiday, event, or seasonal speciality? Are you in a subdued mood or are you looking for something bright and shiny to bring out your personality? Being able to fit your mood and design something that has meaning to you requires thought, flexibility, and consideration. These are things that are lacking on the “buy my design” websites. But to have you in mind for your final purchase is what Blackbird Studio does best. As a recent customer said, “To take something from a T-shirt to something that is a ME shirt.”
Feel free to look at the sample designs below. They are just that samples. If you see something that strikes a chord with you and it isn’t quite what you want, go to our Ordering Designs page and make a suggestion. Changes can always be made to make my designs fit your desires. Let’s get together and build you a memory.
The sun has made its way above the equator. The days are getting longer and the temperatures are rising. Now is the time to recharge your internal solar batteries. Whether it is at the river, lakes, or ocean, people gather to enjoy this season. Sunkissed bodies are emerging out of their time of isolation indoors. Join them.
A favorite memory of mine is growing up near a lake. We used to ride our bikes to a little park at the north end of the lake and spend lazy days swimming and sunning. It was the carefree time of youth. As I aged it was less and less time that I had to spend in such idle pursuits, but the memories linger on. But where I once rested there is a new crop of youth who frolic and sport. This is the memory that this design brings back of days where my only responsibility was to gather the rays of the sun.
This is the way to save your memory of this event throughout the year. Visit our Ordering page and create your own memories of the summer weather, family reunions, or special events. We will be there to create your new memories.
How many times have you reached for a favorite garment only to have to use a lint brush to get rid of pet hair? I have stopped counting the times and have hidden lint brushes in unusual places so one is always close at hand. Not always is it my current pet that coats my apparel, sometimes it is from the friendly neighbor’s dog, or it could be from a friend’s cat. Every little bit of fluff creates pet memories of the attention that was paid to you by these wonderful creatures.
This particular design was inspired by my own bottomless pit of a cat. When I saw all of the cats in a row there was only one question that came to mind, “Was that the can opener?” It also brings back the memory of a long-passed cat we owned that used to come running when you clicked the fork against his dinner plate. When we couldn’t find him, all I had to do was go out on the porch and strike the side of the plate and I would see a bobbing tail running full tilt down the road. That is my pet memory.
Blackbird Studio Design is ready to serve your pet memories by creating your unique experience on a shirt or pet bowl. Take a moment to visit the Ordering Designs Page to find a way to share your memories with the world. But more especially with your pet.
These last few weeks have been a frenzy of activity and very little inspiration. While my designs have been selling, my focus has been on events in my life that are governed by the calendar. I was looking back today at a design that I had done for a friend a short while back and it reached out and spoke to me and reminded me to get away from the keyboard and get walking.
This design was done with a dual purpose. It was done as a warning to a person from a person who was suffering a dissolution of relationship to the person that was the cause. It was also a reminder to get out and enjoy the world around you and see the beauty when all seems in ugliness. It also helps to remind you of the peace of mind you find when you “Take A Hike” and get walking.
This is a memory that was designed from a conversation with a friend. You too can start building your memory by visiting our Ordering Designs page. From there we can take a hike down memory lane together.
Show your pride and watch your favorite sports. It is hard not to cheer at the television when you have a memento of the occasion. This is a memory that only comes around every four years but the memories of the moment last a lifetime.
This can also be a stimulus to support those who aspire to participate in these sports. While maybe at a more recreational level than on a world stage it could cause a person to aspire to a higher level or greater accomplishments.
Skate on over to our Order Page and start the process.
The inspiration for this design was a trip with my GPS. A long drive caused me to think back on the days when you would stop at a gas station and get a map for the location you were driving to.
The compass rose is a prime example of what life was like pre-GPS. It is a reminder of a time when “Here there be monsters” was acceptable on a map. It was not only a way to find your way by the stars but an anchor point to your worldview. You always knew where North was even if you didn’t know where you were.
Follow your own compass rose and follow the path to our Ordering Page.